By Laws
Article 1: Name
The Society will be known as the "Society for Innovative Agriculture", hereinafter called SIA.
Article 2: Aims and Objectives
Following are the aims and objectives of the Society:
- Promote agriculture research and its application
- Create facilities and provide a forum for close cooperation among the scientists working in agriculture and allied disciplines
- Foster publication of a Journal, Newsletter, etc.
Article 3: Membership
The Membership will be of the following categories:
- Active Member
- Emeritus Member
- Institutional Member
- Student Member
Proof of the transcript/degree in Agricultural Sciences (attested copy) will be provided to the concerned (President) for attaining membership of the first two categories. Other relevant fields for membership, if ambiguous, will be clarified by the President SIA.
- Active Member
- Any person holding BS, BSc (Hons, four year) or M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences or related fields is eligible for membership of the SIA.
- Emeritus Member
- An Emeritus member may be elected by the Society upon recommendation by the Council from such members who have been engaged in research or teaching in Agricultural Sciences for at least ten years and have retired from active service. He/she will enjoy all the privileges of a life member.
- Institutional Member
- An Institutional member may be firms, partnership companies, institutions, libraries, government departments and other corporate bodies who are interested in the promotion of knowledge of Agricultural Sciences and who have paid the prescribed institutional membership dues. Each institutional member will nominate a representative who will have the right to cast one vote. They will enjoy all the privileges of regular members
- Student Member
- A M.Sc., BS or BSc (Hons) student in Agricultural Sciences or related fields may become a student member. However, he/she will not have the right to vote but will enjoy other privileges.
Article 4: Membership Fee
Category | Membership Fee (Annual) | |
National (PKR) | International (US$) | |
Active Membership | 1000 | 50 |
Meritorious Membership | 5000 | 200 |
Institutional Membership | 10,000 | 500 |
Student Membership | 500 |
The annual fee will be payable in advance in the month of January every year. The fee also includes the subscription of JGIASS. Bills for paying membership fee will be sent to the members in November every year and those who do not pay will automatically cease to continue as a member.
Article 5: Office Bearers
The office bearers of the Society will comprise a President, six Vice Presidents (one from each
province of the country and one from Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir), Secretary, Joint
Secretary and Treasurer. They will serve for one term and not be eligible for reelection to the same
office in the next term. Those who intend to contest for the elections of any of the Society office
bearers must hold 18 years of education in the subject of Agricultural Sciences.
Executive Council
The affairs of the Society are managed by an Executive Council, elected after every two years, consisting of a President, six Vice Presidents (one from each province, Gilgit Baltistan and AJK), Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, five Councilors, and the immediate Past-President. The Councilors who will be co-opted by the elected office bearers of the Society will be taken one each from an organization so long as any of the elected office bearers is not already from the organization. The Chief Editor of JGIASS will serve as a member of the Council. The Council will remain functional for a period of one term.Article 6: Duties and Powers of Office Bearers and Council
The President will have the following powers:
- He will preside the meeting of the Society and the Council
- He will have the power to sanction all expenditure
- He will generally supervise the affairs of the Society.
- If there is any question as to the interpretation about provision of the constitution of the Society or any of its bye-laws, his ruling will be final.
- The Vice Presidents will perform such functions as may be entrusted to them from time to time. One of the Vice President elected by the Council will exercise the powers of the President in the absence of the President.
- The Secretary of the Society will have the following powers:
- Under the general direction of the President, he/she will act as the Chair Executive Officer of the Society. He will act as the Secretary of the Council.
- He will maintain a record of the proceedings of the Society and its Council.
- Under the general supervision of the President, he/she will convene meetings of the Society and the Council.
- The Council of the Society will have the following powers:
- All business of the Society will be conducted be the Council.
- The meetings of the Council will be convened by the Secretary under the general directions of the President or on the request of at least three members of the Council.
- If there is any vacancy amongst the office bearers or the members of the Council, the Council may fill in the vacancy for the remaining term.
Article 7: Election of the Office Bearers
Election of the office bearers will be held after the commencement of "National meeting of Agricultural Scientists. The President will constitute a special committee of three members for conducting the election of the office bearers. The committee will be convened by the Editor-in-Chief (JGIASS) and any other two members nominated by the President. This committee will invite nominations for various office bearers of the Society. The President and General Secretary will not be eligible to contest for the next term.
Article 8: Committees
All temporary committees will be appointed by the President according to the needs of the time in consultation with the other office bearers and members of the Council.
Article 9: Publications
The regular publication of the Society will be known as the "Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences". Editorial Board: The Council will appoint an Editorial Board comprising an Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, two Associate Editors and seven to ten members representing different disciplines of Agricultural Science. The member will assist the Editor-in-Chief in editing the publication of the Society. The Editorial Board will evaluate the research papers submitted for publication or refer them to appropriate reviewers, if necessary.
Article 10: Meetings
An annual general meeting will be held as the Council may decide. Additional meetings may be called by the Council as it deems fit and proper.
Article 11: Divisions
Branch organization unit within the Society known as divisions may be established on a geographical or subject basis provided approval of the parent Society is obtained.
Article 12: Auditing
Prior to each annual general meeting, the President will appoint an auditing committee to audit all the accounts of the Society. The audit report will be read at the annual meeting and ratified by the Council as well as the General Body.
Article 13: Amendments
The articles of this constitution may be amended by a majority of two third members present at an Annual Meeting.
Article 14: Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the SIA, its assets left after meeting its liabilities, if any, will be transferred to another society or institution or fund or trust approved U/S 150(1) of the Income Tax Act, under intimation to the Federal Board of Revenue within three months of the solution.
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Research Mandate
- Integrates the strengths of research organizations with stake holders;
- Promotes the development of research as an integral part of research organizations;
- Co-organize conferences, workshops, seminars, webinars etc. with universities and research organizations.
- Facilitates liaisons between government, industry and community for research/policy issues;
- Reports on research activities, including publications contributing to stakeholders and the economy.

The Society for Innovative Agriculture (SIA) is an affiliated organization of the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad, Pakistan. It plays a pivotal role in promoting innovative agricultural practices and fostering collaboration within the academic community.