Welcome to SIA
Society for Innovative Agriculture (SIA) is a society of individuals and institutions whose purpose is to build a communication network among academicians, researchers, service providers, farmer’s, and people with an interest in agricultural sciences and its related disciplines. Registered with Government of Punjab, Pakistan under Societies Registration Act 1861 as a private organization, SIA is dedicated to consultation, training and publication in all areas related to agricultural sciences and its related disciplines. It promotes agriculture through technical cooperation, network development and capacity building at national level. SIA brings together researchers and academicians who are interested to solve the problems of society, to enhance the knowledge and understanding of Agricultural Science, Agricultural Economics and other related disciplines to exchange experiences, ideas and information among agriculturist, Agricultural Economists, Agricultural Scientists and Plant Scientists. SIA also ensure to co-organize/sponsor agricultural exhibitions/field days, seminars, workshops to provide an excellent forum for both general lectures and presentations, to enable the scientists and farmers to update their knowledge.

Farmers and governments seek a sustainable, inclusive agricultural transformation—one that creates economic opportunity, respects limits on natural resources, and gives everyone equal access to affordable, nutritious food.

Water and environment are a determining element in the continuity and expansion of the agricultural area, and plays a key role in the profitability, sustainability and competitiveness in the short and long term. A series of interventions are needed to bring positive change in the field of water supply/demand management in the agricultural sector, as well as enhancing the protection of the environmental sector.

The land development is connected to the increasing of the profitability and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. Contributing to the protection of agricultural lands from confiscation. In the light of the limited land and resources, and the increase of competition by the different sectors, in addition to the measures of the occupation, the conversion of land to more productive lands, is of prime importance

Environmental sustainability includes making decisions and taking actions that are more consistent with the protection of the nature, in order to support human life at present and future times as well. It is currently a significant issue as the lifestyles are becoming more harmful to the environment, and industrial emissions are increasing day by day.

The fair trade strives to realize equitable economic returns for small producers and their organizations, with the vision of a fair world in which justice prevails. This needs a balance between the interests of small producers, distribution channels, and consumers, through a transparent chain of interventions, starting from the planning, and production up to end consumers.

Sustainable development is ruled and accelerated by the spirit of leadership that ensures communication between different generations, and create models able to make a positive and sustainable change. A number of interventions are necessary for enhancing leadership that induces change at the rural community and specifically the agricultural and cooperative sector.

Rural people have the rights of organizing themselves to achieve civil and democratic society that balances the rights and duties. Hence, developing a leading role for farmers’ associations and enabling them to play a bigger role in capacity building is obligatory.

Social sustainability is the ability of a community to develop processes and structures which support the ability of future generations to maintain a healthy community and food security. Cultural sustainability is a new interdisciplinary approach, aimed to raise the significance of culture and its factors in local, regional and global sustainable development. Culture is an important aspect of sustainable agricultural development, as it refers to how we understand and appreciate natural resources and each other.
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Research Mandate
- Integrates the strengths of research organizations with stake holders;
- Promotes the development of research as an integral part of research organizations;
- Co-organize conferences, workshops, seminars, webinars etc. with universities and research organizations.
- Facilitates liaisons between government, industry and community for research/policy issues;
- Reports on research activities, including publications contributing to stakeholders and the economy.

The Society for Innovative Agriculture (SIA) is an affiliated organization of the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad, Pakistan. It plays a pivotal role in promoting innovative agricultural practices and fostering collaboration within the academic community.