Applied Animal Science Bulletin

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Journal Metrics
Acceptance Rate 30%
Submission To Final Decision: 58-85 Days
Acceptance To Publication 27-38 Days

Aims and Scope

The Applied Animal Science Bulletin is a fully open-access journal dedicated to publishing applied research, short communications, data briefs, case reports, mini-reviews, and comprehensive reviews related to animal production. In addition to applied studies, the journal also welcomes research on fundamental aspects of animal genetics, nutrition, physiology, reproduction, immunology, pathology, and animal products that hold practical or industrial significance. Manuscripts exploring research on other species directly related to animal production are also considered. However, please note that the journal does not accept submissions pertaining to the pig industry due to a lack of editorial expertise in that area.

The Applied Animal Science Bulletin publishes original research on the following subjects:

  • Cows and dairy cattle
  • Small ruminants
  • Poultry and other farm animals
  • Horses and companion animals

Aquatic and wildlife species
